10th Planet Russia
10th Planet Russia
Great news!

This week, a brown belt from Eddie Bravo, top grappler and head coach @ 10thplanet_krasnodar – Max Nedoschak comes to our gym.

For everyone, this Saturday 01/23/2021 Max will hold a seminar where he will share his signature leg pain techniques that helped him develop his own style and reach the highest level in competitive grappling and jiu-jitsu. At the end, according to tradition, an open carpet where everyone can compete and try out the techniques learned at the workshop.

Start at 13.00 @ 10thplanet_spb

Address: 1k1 Yesenin street (entrance from the street)

You can sign up for a seminar by phone +79523540666

January 23 @ 13:00
13:00 — 16:00 (3h)


Max Nedoschak


Let's be closer!

We welcome you to contact us for more information about any of our services.

CALL: +7 999 669-86-52

(SPB / Russia)

CALL: +7 918 044-37-37

(Krasnodar / Russia)


January 23 @ 13:00
13:00 — 16:00 (3h)


Max Nedoschak